cyberart, virtual art, Pygoya, Vlado, Computer Art, Computerkunst, Netzkunst, PC-Kunst, Digitalkunst, Computergrafik, virtual art, Ar, Kunst, Fraktale, fractals, computergenerated art, PC-Projekte, pc art

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Das netz lebt!!!

there's life in it!!!!

From virtuality to reality
From virtuality to reality
From virtuality to reality
From virtuality to reality
From virtuality to reality

Hier geht's zu Vlado - come in

Klick auf den grünen Button, um sie zu treffen!

Click on the green buttons to meet them!

Vlado franjevic - der Mann, der aus dem Netz kam...
Vlado ist der historische erste Kontakt aus dem unendlichen Netz!
Lernen Sie Vlado kennen - learn more about Vlado
The man who came out of the net. Vlado ist the first historical
contact from the vast net!

Vlado franjevic'S ART PROJECT

We support the art-creative and author Vlado Franjevic the scholarship holder of the culture adviser of the government of Liechtenstein. As one of the projects regarding his scholarship he will give us here 12 sentences within the next 12 months (each month 1 new sentence). You are cordially invited to be active with us. Send us your opinions to the here published sentences, everything what you think in the reading moment. We will continue to lead it to the author. He then will summarize and present his and your writing impulses in Principality of Liechtenstein, at the end of this project. And perhaps even into further countries. Because it would be necessary that everything runs correctly, please send us your correct name and your email address, together with your opinions and discussions. We will continue to lead these only and exclusively to the artist.
This art project is supported by sites: (in English) (in German) (in German)
DigitaleWelten/digitalewelten.html (in German) (in Croatian and in English) (in Croatian)


Sentence number 1:

Wenn ich eine Schamhaaressammelstelle offiziell eröffne, wirst du mir
dann auch deine Haare spenden?

If I open officially a pubic hair collecting point will you donate to

Send your words about: Here
Senden Sie Ihre Gedanken hierzu an:
 Your thoughts and opinions
Ihre Gedanken und Meinungen

Lieber Vlado,

selbstverständlich würde ich Dir gerne mindestens zwei Haare zur Verfügung
stellen, wenn Dich das zu einem wunderbaren erotischen Kunstwerk
beflügeln würde, das die Welt den Atem anhalten läßt. - Vlado forever!


Where can I share my pubic hair?
When will my pubic be public hair?
If I share my black pubic public hair
would you stare, would you care?
Would you dare to wear
a pair of my pubic hair?
If you stare, if you care,
only then will I share
with the public my pubic hair.

Thank you, Dr. Hans-Georg Türstig, for sharing this wonderful work
regarding pubic hair.
Wish there were more courageous people out there!!! An innocent pubic hair is nothing bad! (Ingrid)


Lieber Vlado,  
wir sind echt sprachlos. Hätten nicht gedacht, daß
dein Schamhaar Projekt solche (Haar)wurzeln treibt.
Natürlich würden wir auch gerne spenden. Wenn du
einen öffentlichen Spendenaufruf starten würdest bin
ich mir sicher würden die Leute Schlange stehen um
ihre Häärchen los zu werden. Wir wären ganz vorne
in der Schlange und würden natürlich nur unsere besten
Stücke zur Verfügung stellen. ( Die sollen ja unter den
anderen rausstechen oder?)  

Viel Erfolg   Billi und Alex


Hier geht's zum Literaturaustausch mit Vlado
Click here to go to Vlado's literature exchange


Lernen Sie Vlado kennen - learn more about Vlado
Stefan fiedler, Salon Iris, Wien
Wir trafen uns anläßlich "ArtBits" in Wien im Mai 2002
We met at "Artbits" in Vienna in May 2002


Lernen Sie Vlado kennen - learn more about Vlado
Professor Dr. Herbert W. Franke
Wir trafen uns anläßlich "ArtBits" in Wien im Mai 2002
We met at "Artbits" in Vienna in May 2002


Lernen Sie Vlado kennen - learn more about Vlado
Karin Kuhlmann
Gemeinsam mit mir Coordinator EHCC World Tour.
Wir trafen uns in Westhausen aus Anlaß Ihrer Ausstellung.
Together with me Coordinator EHCC World Tour.
We met in Westhausen on the occasion of her exhibition.


Lernen Sie Vlado kennen - learn more about Vlado
Dieter Großmann
Wir trafen uns bei Karin Kuhlmanns Ausstellung in Westhausen.
We met in Westhausen on the occasion of Karin's exhibition.


Lernen Sie Vlado kennen - learn more about Vlado
Arno Pürschel
Redakteur aus Oberstdorf. Wir trafen uns zur Artikel-Besprechung
und lernten uns kennen bei einem Spaziergang um den Moorweiher.
Editor from Oberstdorf. We met to discuss an article and learned
more about each other during a walk round "Moorweiher".


Lernen Sie Dieter Grossmann kennen - learn more about Dieter Grossmann
Andreas Kollmann (Speedcom AG)
Andreas is a very nice human being and the boss of Speedcom AG,
Schaan, Liechtenstein where I had a great exhibition. in Oct./Nov. 2002.
Here you can see us showing the East Hawaii Cultural Center's
(Hilo/Hawaii/USA) World Tour Poster. Now be belongs to the many
places where this historical show (initiated by Dr. Rodney Chang) Pygoya
has been shown.


Lernen Sie Regina kennen - learn more about Regina
norbert strippel
Norbert is a great artist living in Löhlbach next to "Dokumenta" town Kassel.
On Dec. 5, 2002 we met for the first time in person. He invited me to his
exhibition opening. I'm glad I've been there. Such a big amazing event!
Money from sales partly was given for the "German Association for Children
Ill With Cancer". I handed over to Norbert two works of great American
Webist Dr. Rodney Chang (Pygoya) and one of my works too to help the


Lernen Sie Regina kennen - learn more about Regina
Regina Hobein
Regina is a beautiful woman living in "Dokumenta" town Kassel.
She's an artist. Met her and Karin Schuster at the great exhibition
opening of artist Norbert Strippel on Dec. 5, 2002.


Lernen Sie Regina kennen - learn more about Regina
Karin Schuster
Karin is a beautiful woman living in "Dokumenta" town Kassel.
Met her and Regina Hobein at the great exhibition opening of
artist Norbert Strippel on Dec. 5, 2002.


Lernen Sie Regina kennen - learn more about Regina
Tanja Leonhardt
Tanja is a great calligrapher and artist living near Frankfurt.
Met her in Munich where she was an invited author of lyric
magazine publisher "Außerdem" at the "Seidlvilla".
It was great to listen to her lyrics on April 26, 2003.


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